Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I’ve made some new friends lately. It’s been as my little one says, accidentally on purpose. And as opposed to relatives with whom you get stuck, these friends I have hand picked. What’s great about my new friends is that first and foremost, I respect them. I honor their simple presence and accomplishments, something I hadn’t thought of or had to experience before. I do this because, while our meeting was somewhat by chance, it was framed with a specific intent and only those who I could potentially respect replied.

Secondly, as you’re supposed to do with friends in general, I enjoy them. They’re fascinating people. Fearless, imaginative, smart and far surpass my minimum requirement for friendship by being ridiculously funny. I’m so enraptured with them I find myself smiling at the most obscure times just remembering something intuitive or particularly sage that was said.

Finally I’m grateful for my friends. I tend to walk this walk often, thanking God (call s/he/it whatever you want) for all my blessings even the ones disguised as curses so I can learn from them, on a daily basis. I don’t go hog wild with this. It’s just a brief nod to the heavens saying thanks. And as is the case for my family, I pray for the continued health and safety of my friends.

I have had a life without them. And no matter how long our friendship lasts or how far along the journey we travel, I feel incredibly lucky to have had the chance to get to know them at all, be a part of their life as they have become a part of mine. .

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