Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Muse

The Ancient Greeks had nine muses -- goddesses or spirits who inspired the creation of literature and the arts.

I had one. And like the Albert Brooks/Sharon Stone movie from 1999, The Muse, my muse completely disrupted my life. Turned it upside down…and inside out. Blew out the cobwebs and forced me to question so many of my preconcieved notions. It demanded that I wake up and reclaim my life. Then it took over my mind. I saw myself through its eyes. And I didn’t like what I saw. So I strived to be more authentic. It took great courage. It forced me to reject some attributes attached to me by others. It forced me to stop hiding in the shadows and step into the light. It caused conflict. And pain, but I never faltered.

It also brought me immense joy. Opened up a whole new world for me in music, sex, power & control, social media, technology, mentoring, and the best part, personal and professional networking.

And that experience turned into a book: SEAL Master

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for signing up for the 2009 Erotica Reading Challenge hosted at J. Kaye’s Book Blog. You'll need to create a post for the challenge/s on your blog to use for the URL in the Mr. Linky widget on the sign up page. In your post, include a link to this page. That way your viewers can find it and join. Feel free to use the Challenge button/s as well.

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    Have Fun!
