Everyone has limits. Limits as to how much crap they’re going to take. Limits as to how long they’re willing to wait. Limits as to how much or how little they’re willing to say or get involved and limits as to how much they’re willing to spend for whatever.
Some limits are self imposed and others simply are. For instance, I have a very short limit on waiting for anything and even shorter limit on how long I can hold my tongue, but I will never be six-foot tall or able to bench press my weight.
Still other limits are important to break. Some are fun, others sexy and still others down-right dangerous and therefore even more compelling. These are the limits I want to address. These are the limits I’m fixated on pushing myself beyond so I can revel in what happens when I breakthrough to the other side.
If it’s true that we attract our dominant thoughts, then I must be attracting people who are interested in challenging me. Encouraging me to push beyond my limits, fixed or self imposed, in order for me to get to a different place. Each of these people I have manifested into my life – the majority of whom I have not known previously – have taken me to a place beyond where I’ve ever been. And I have to say, I’ve not felt so alive as I do right now.
I’ve surpassed my limits and gone places I never thought to go and I am so glad I did. The things I’ve learned from going beyond my boundaries are profound. The feelings I have are thrilling, even exhilarating. Yet it’s addicting. I can’t wait to do more. Go farther. Explore deeper. Reach higher levels.
And herein lays the issue. How much exploration is too much? Well, if it hurts, I guess then don’t do it. If it hurts other people, same rule applies. Otherwise, why not continue on with the journey until if and when I reach an end, ideally learning and growing along the way?
So, it must be true that I’m never satisfied because there’s always another corner to turn. There’s always another door to open and walk through. And while others are content to wait for things to happen to them, I’m not. I have to know what’s on the other side.
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