Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The last 24 hours have been eye-opening. When change occurs it not only affects the one seeking it, but all the interrelated people involved with that one person, seeking alternatives. That’s why change is so hard to accomplish. Sometimes there are so many people involved, just trying to get from point A to point B can be arduous and feel like you’re pushing a slow-moving train.

What’s interesting to me about my last 24 hours is the result. We came full circle - only better, tighter, closer. Grievances were aired, feelings acknowledged and validated, pain averted, pleasure experienced.

While reviewing what transpired, what stands out in my mind, is just how fast routines develop and how after they’ve developed they sort of become habits that can be hard to break, but then once broken, simply turn into memories. Some habits or routines, despite the pleasure they provide, like the typical vices, are good to let go of and those memories are easy to erase. Other habits like talking to a friend who is no longer there are harder to let go of. Tears may be shed and time may be needed to aid in the repair. Sometimes new habits need to be created to replace the old ones so progress can be made.

But we’re all human and resiliency is one of the characteristics we possess that allow us to adapt to new environments or situations and continue on. Some need help and seek faith, others a crutch. Me? I’m just stubborn. I’ll just grit my teeth and bear it. Think and then envision my way through it. The years have taught me self assuredness via the unmitigated knowledge that no matter happens, the sun will come up tomorrow and life goes on. Whatever sucks today, will look different in the light of another day. This is what works for me.

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